**NEW! Celebrate Hanukkah with Our Vibrant Dreidel Marzipops – A Unique Kosher Gift!**
Experience the magic of Hanukkah like never before with our exclusive Dreidel Marzipops. Each dreidel is meticulously hand-painted with one of the four Hebrew letters, symbolizing Nes Gadol Hayah Sham – a great miracle happened there. This set includes 12 beautifully colored pops, perfect for each night of the festival, plus a few extra for you!
**Key Features:**
– **Hand-Painted Dreidels:** Each Marzipop is a work of art, individually painted with intricate details.
– **Perfect Hanukkah Gift:** Comes in a stunning gift box tied with a satin ribbon, ready to impress.
– **Certified Kosher:** Approved by the Chicago Rabbinical Council (cRc), ensuring the highest quality and authenticity.
– **Gluten-Free &