Discover the heartwarming tale of friendship and unity with the Friendship Dreidel Book! This beautifully illustrated 32-page picture book follows two friends as they embark on a snowy adventure, uncovering a pouch containing a dreidel and four gelt coins. Through their shared experience, they learn that true friendship transcends religious boundaries, built on love and trust.
**Key Features:**
– **Engaging Story:** Inspires children to understand the true essence of friendship.
– **Beautiful Illustrations:** Captivating visuals that bring the story to life.
– **Interactive Elements:** Includes a royal blue velvet pouch, a dreidel, and four plastic gelt coins for hands-on learning.
– **Educational Value:** Comes with instructions on how to play the traditional Dreidel game.
Perfect for fostering empathy and understanding, the Friendship Dreidel Book is a must-have for any child’s library.