Discover the heartwarming tale of Lila the koala in Lila’s Challah Adventure, where young readers join Lila on her journey to bake the perfect Shabbat challah for her family. Despite her best efforts, Lila’s challah always seems to turn out wrong—but what’s the secret to success? This engaging story, beautifully illustrated in full color, teaches valuable lessons about perseverance and family traditions.
**Key Features:**
– **Full-Color Illustrations:** Captivating visuals by Maria Mola bring Lila’s world to life.
– **Hardcover:** Durable and high-quality, perfect for little hands.
– **24 Pages:** A delightful read-aloud for ages 2-7, ideal for PreK-1.
– **9 3/4 x 9 3/4 inches:** A perfect size for storytime at home or in the classroom.
Written by Laura Gehl