Discover the timeless charm of The Carp in the Bathtub, a beloved modern classic by Barbara Cohen, first published in 1972. This heartwarming tale, set in the vibrant streets of Brooklyn, follows young Harry and Leah as they eagerly anticipate the Jewish holiday and the delicious gefilte fish that Mama prepares from fresh carp. What makes this story truly unique is the quirky tradition of storing the carp in the bathtub, a practice that sparks both laughter and affection as the children grow attached to their finned companions.
Revisit this delightful narrative in its softcover edition from 1987, perfect for readers of all ages. With 48 pages of engaging storytelling and charming illustrations, this 6 1/2 x 9 3/4 book is a must-have for anyone who appreciates endearing family traditions and the magic of childhood memories. Dive into the whimsical world of The Carp in the Bathtub and experience the joy